As many as 11 IPS officers have been shifted and posted to different places in Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, Dr A Ravi Shankar has been appointed as Police Commissioner, Visakhapatnam City while Dr C M Thrivikrama Varma was made IG, Special Protection Force and Kumar Vishwajeet is ADG, Vigilance & Enforcement and ex-officio Principal Secretary, GA (V&E) Department. Similarly, Siddharth Kaushal has been appointed as SP, YSR District; Anburajan as SP, Ananthapuramu district; K Srinivasa Rao as DCP Law and Order, Visakhapatnam; Vasana Vidhya Sagar Naidu as SP, Greyhounds; Krishna Rao Boddepalli as SP, Annamayya District; R Gangadhar Rao as Commandant, 14th Battalion, Anantapuramu; Adnan Nayeem Asmi as SP, Anti-Corruption Bureau and Jagadeesh was made SP, East Godavari district.